Map to Six Figures

Map to Six Figures

The discussion revolves around business sustainability, focusing on financial goals, personal growth, and overcoming challenges. Key topics include breaking feast and famine cycles, upgrading businesses, setting appropriate prices, and attracting clients. The importance of self-investment, differentiation, and market creation is also highlighted. The conversation also delves into the practical aspects of calculating income, pricing services, and planning for income targets. The need for self-care, transitioning to steady business stability, and reevaluating business approaches are emphasized.

Recorded in December 2022

Map to Six Figures
  • Map to Six Figures Part 1

    The discussion revolves around business sustainability, focusing on financial goals, personal growth, and overcoming challenges. Key topics include breaking feast and famine cycles, upgrading businesses, setting appropriate prices, and attracting clients. The importance of self-investment, differ...

  • Map to Six Figures Part 2

    The discussion revolves around the importance of financial independence, personal growth, and entrepreneurship. It emphasizes the need to create additional income, reevaluate pricing strategies, and explore new business opportunities. The transition from one-on-one work to group programs is explo...

  • Map to Six Figures Part 3

    The discussion revolves around personal growth, overcoming self-doubt, and embracing personal power in the context of business success. It emphasizes the importance of supportive relationships, understanding business expenses, and making strategic decisions. The conversation also explores the imp...

  • Map to Six Figures Part 4

    The session delves into the essence of teaching, entrepreneurship, and personal growth. It explores the potential of earning six figures, not building a business around pain, and living in truth and abundance. The discussion emphasizes the importance of balance, devotion, and authenticity in work...